Once upon a time (actually recently), drivers at Atlantic Bulk Carrier, Providence Forge VA, had their pre-trip inspection procedures reinforced after a company driver at a shipper location discovered a fawn curled up and napping underneath one of the company's trailers, says Gary Short, Atlantic Bulk president.
The incident first began when Holly Boyd, an Atlantic Bulk driver, spotted a fawn in the trailer yard and tried to shoo it away. But apparently, the animal had other ideas and later decided to take some time off underneath the trailer, says Harold Jackson, Atlantic Bulk logistics coordinator, who used a cell phone to photograph the fawn.
After some deliberations, Boyd decided to take matters into her own hands--literally. She put on her work gloves, picked up the fawn, and carried it toward the woods. As she neared her goal, the fawn cried out for its mother, who suddenly bolted forward. Startled, but without trepidation, Boyd released the animal so that it could be reunited with its parent to live happily ever after.
Meanwhile, back at Atlantic Bulk corporate headquarters, Short points to the significance of pre-trip inspections so that all trips end happily ever after. "Isn’t that a wonderful picture," he told Bulk Transporter. "We keep preaching about pre-trip inspections and how they can prevent incidents and possibly save lives. Now we have the picture to prove it. The photograph is a perfect way to emphasize their importance."