Paccar 2021 Spm Award 624c301de8a66

ConMet earns three supplier awards

April 5, 2022
PACCAR honors company’s Castings Division with 2021 Master status, also recognizes its Wheel Ends and Plastics businesses

PACCAR recently recognized ConMet with three 2021 Supplier Performance Management awards across multiple business units.

ConMet’s Castings Division was one of only two PACCAR suppliers to reach SPM Masters status, PACCAR’s highest supplier performance award. Additionally, ConMet Wheel Ends and ConMet Plastics received 2021 SPM Achievers awards. PACCAR suppliers are evaluated in the areas of product development, operations and aftermarket support, and alignment with PACCAR’s key business objectives.

“PACCAR is pleased to recognize and congratulate our suppliers who earned a SPM award for 2021, especially given the extraordinary supply challenges,” said Ron Augustyn, PACCAR vice president of global purchasing. “Supplier commitment to SPM creates strong relationships with PACCAR, its customers and its dealers.”

ConMet’s PreSet hub assemblies have been standard on all Peterbilt and Kenworth vehicles since 2003, and its PreSet Plus hub assemblies have been standard since 2013. ConMet also supplies PACCAR with interior and exterior plastic components and lightweight structural castings. ConMet and PACCAR work in partnership to develop and deliver products and services that advance the commercial vehicle industry.

“PACCAR is a key ConMet customer and business partner,” said Ramesh Ramanathan, ConMet’s chief operations officer for North America. “We understand the importance of meeting and exceeding their stringent performance requirements to maintain this excellent relationship. Being recognized by PACCAR annually with their SPM Awards is an honor, an excellent motivation and reward for the hard work and dedication of everyone at ConMet.

“We have been a supplier to PACCAR for more than 30 years and will do what is necessary to continue to meet and exceed their expectations.”

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