Kelso Technologies, SafeRack launch business development alliance
Kelso Technologies Inc has formed a strategic business and engineering alliance with SafeRack Loading Rack Technologies. The goal is to incorporate Kelso's one-bolt Kelso Klincher Manway (KKM) technology as an integral part of a new generation of high-capacity crude oil loading terminal systems designed and provided by SafeRack.
Under the arrangement Kelso and SafeRack have successfully developed and tested a fully functional loading arm adaptor that fits both the KKM and older hinged six and eight eye-bolt manways currently in service on tank cars in North America. The adaptor attaches permanently to the existing loading arm apparatus and connects the loading arm to any existing manway in service today.
SafeRack and Kelso are currently educating HAZMAT shippers on the compelling economic advantages and operational benefits for the commercial adoption of the KKM which include:
- Opening, closing and vapor sealing using the KKM one-bolt system takes approximately five minutes compared to the industry's current recommended eye-bolt practice that takes approximately 25 to 35 minutes as documented in AAR Pamphlet 34.
- The KKM can increase daily terminal loading capacity up to 32% increasing revenues of terminal operations that are paid by the volume of oil loaded and shipped.
- The KKM allows more oil production to be shipped from existing facilities improving scheduling and capital expenditure requirements for new terminals.
- The simple operation of the KKM should mean that operational personnel are less likely to cheat on manway sealing operations when fatigued or working in extreme weather conditions reducing the risk of non-accidental releases of hazmat and related regulatory fines.
- The uniform sealing method of our KKM prolongs gasket service life savings thousands of dollars in new gasket costs annually along with associated downtime costs to change out the gasket.