The National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) and the National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) recently signed an agreement to closely cooperate in several areas to enhance member value, share information, and promote safety through the chemical supply chain.
NACD and NTTC share many challenges and opportunities in today’s economic and regulatory environment. In this memorandum of understanding, the groups agree to work more closely toward these goals: (1) increase cooperation on issues impacting the supply chain; (2) increase mutual awareness of general membership issues impacting member operations; and (3) examine ways to expand respective services offered by both organizations.
Chris Jahn, NACD president, said, “NACD believes that the chemical industry will be strengthened by a closer working relationship between our two organizations. Actions will include exchanging information on legislative and regulatory impacts for our memberships and seeking mutual training opportunities to promote Responsible Distribution along the supply chain.”
The objective of this agreement is to recognize and support the continued communication and support between the members of both organizations that distribute and transport chemicals. Each represents a different component of the same supply chain. The associations are complimentary to each other and help ensure chemical products are protected through to the downstream users.
“I encouraged our NTTC staff to look for ways to work more closely with other associations with common interests and objectives, and I am very pleased to see this agreement as a key development for our members,” said Jeff McCaig, NTTC chairman and chairman of Trimac Transportation.
John Conley, president of the NTTC, said, “Our organizations have cooperated for years on many issues. This agreement solidifies our common missions and will only serve to better both of our membership resources. We hope to create the best value for participants and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of how our members do business.”
Visit for additional information on the NACD. To receive more information about NTTC, call 703-838-1960 or visit