Oiltanking Nanjing Co Ltd opened its state-of-the-art railcar loading and unloading facility in January at its terminal located in the Nanjing Chemical Industry Park, Jiangsu province, People’s Republic of China.
With all permits secured, Oiltanking has officially started the operation of the rail loading and unloading facility. It is connected to the railway system of the Nanjing Chemical Industry Park (NCIP) and via NCIP to the national railway network. With this rail facility expansion, the terminal offers all modes of transportation to its customers including rail, road, water and pipelines.
The rail facility consists of two spurs equipped with loading and unloading platforms and has a capacity to handle up to 34 rail cars in parallel. The design of the unloading facilities enables discharging of block trains as well as for the loading and unloading of individual product cars. The rail facility has the capacity to handle up to 9,000 rail cars per year for various producers, traders, and end-users.
Situated on the north side of the Yangtze River, Oiltanking Nanjing is well located to accommodate rail cargoes from surrounding provinces and the land locked northwestern hinterland. Since the Nanjing region is a huge consumption area of methanol, the company anticipates that the rail facility will handle significant amounts of methanol. The terminal is set to become the “methanol hub” of the region. The rail facility is designed to handle other products as well.
Oiltanking Nanjing Co Ltd is a joint venture between Oiltanking, NCIP Administration, and the Port Authority of Nanjing. The company owns and operates a multi-user tank terminal for bulk liquids and serves a wide range of customers including chemical producers, traders and distributors. ♦