The Kenworth T680 is now available with the Bendix eTrac air bag transfer system for 6x2 axle configurations.
A Kenworth T680 specified in a 6x2 axle configuration can offer reduced weight and enhanced fuel economy over the traditional 6x4 axle configuration. The 6x2 configuration saves several hundred pounds by using one “live” rear drive axle instead of two, and eliminating the inter-axle driveline and rear differential.
The need for internal gearing in the non-drive axle is also eliminated, resulting in fewer parasitic losses. The combination of a 6x2 tandem axle configuration and wide-base tires may provide a fuel economy improvement that will vary depending on use, road conditions, and other factors.
The eTrac system links into the Bendix ABS braking system with automatic traction control (ATC) and electronic stability programming. This system automatically engages and disengages—without driver input—the vehicle’s air bag pressure transfer system, transferring pressure from the non-drive to the drive axle when it recognizes wheel slip. This provides improved fuel efficiency in a lighter package combined with on-demand traction, according to Bendix.
eTrac protects the drivetrain by automatically disengaging after a low-traction event or when the vehicle’s resumed speed exceeds 25 mph. The system also allows for manual activation at speeds below 10 mph, or when a vehicle’s ATC mud/snow switch is enabled.
The 6x2 axle configurations are available with the Kenworth AG380 and AG400L lightweight air-ride suspensions, which offer a smooth ride, reduce drivetrain stresses, and are virtually maintenance-free.
Rated at 38,000 lbs, the AG380 is for on-highway fleets and truck operators who require less weight and a lower chassis height. The disc brake-compatible AG400L is a 40,000-lb-rated highway rear suspension system. The cost-effective, four-bag suspension is well-suited for over-the-road and pick-up and delivery applications. ♦