Dear Editor:
I had to respond to your article about DHS (“DHS needs a shakeup,” Bulk Transporter, January 2010, page 6).
We here in Arizona have been running into roadblocks every day with illegals coming across the border. Napolitano has done everything in her power to stop authorities, such as our sheriff department, from rounding these people up and deporting them when she was our governor. It is a joke here in Arizona to see drivers who cannot speak English, have a blatant disregard for safety, driving commercial vehicles down our roads. Local enforcement spends more time worrying about DOT tape being torn than the illegal problems with drivers.
Our bulk tank farm is just down the street from our business facility, and the only thing keeping out a big truck from entering the facility are a couple concrete portable dividers and cyclone fence. I suppose Napolitano thinks a terrorist will stop at the gate before driving into the loading zone to be checked.
Thank you on a good article. More people now hopefully will see what is “not” happening at DHS.
Bill Myers
Phoenix, AZ
Dear Editor:
Charles, after reading your editorial (“DHS needs a shakeup,” Bulk Transporter, January 2010, page 6) on the Department of Homeland Security, I definitely agree that Secretary Napolitano needs to be replaced!
Unfortunately, our top government executives have yet to take the safety of America seriously, and Secretary Napolitano does not have the expertise to be in the position she was appointed to.
Leanne Elwood
Manly Terminal LLC