New from TouchStar Solutions LLC is the XPRESS BUNDLED electronic run ticketing system specifically designed for crude oil and water hauling. Totally compatible with existing, field-proven, TouchStar Mobility Software Applications such as CrudePac…this new bundled package provides the perfect solution for crude haulers who want to get up-and-running quickly, at the lowest possible entry cost.
Incredibly fast to roll-out (typically within 30-days), the highly-durable XPRESS comes in a completely selfcontained, lunch-pail-sized, portable kit with absolutely no in-cab installation required. CrudePac Mobility Software and eNABLE Middleware are included in the package, as well as the TouchStar HyperDocs Imaging Technology that captures all field ticketing data electronically.
TouchStar provides secure hosting of the bundle of services, eliminating the cost of purchasing and maintaining servers. Even a wireless communications plan is included. After a one-time setup/master file data-load/and training fee, the user’s subsequent cost for the XPRESS BUNDLED system is covered by an extremely affordable monthly subscription fee.
To guarantee the durability required for operation of mobile computing equipment in the demanding crude oil and water hauling environments, TouchStar utilizes only industrial-grade hardware in the XPRESS package, such as the Intermec CN-50 handheld computer with scanner and the Intermec PB-51 portable 4” thermal printer. The bundled kit includes a cigarette lighter adapter for powering both the mobile computer and printer. TouchStar also supports its XPRESS customers with its “24/7 Service Plan”.
Dave Fredericks, Sales Manager at TouchStar, says: “Our new XPRESS BUNDLED significantly reduces start-up time and costs. For our crude and water hauling customers, we believe it’s the absolute fastest pathway to the lowest fleet automation entry costs, as well as to full-featured electronic ticketing, plus a far quicker return on investment”.
For more information on XPRESS BUNDLED, contact Dave Fredericks at: 918.307.7180.