FOR YEARS, haul and treat has been the preferred way to treat contaminated soils at fleet fueling sites. While effective, the haul-and-treat method also tends to take longer and disrupt operations more than another method: in situ subsurface metabolic enhancement (SME) remediation.
Yes, it's a mouthful. And clients may not be interested in the technological side of SME (and if they are, by all means, visit us at for full details). What they will want to know is that this method of treating contamination tends to be more cost-effective than haul-and-treat techniques.
Why? Most importantly, because it allows fleet fueling sites to remain open during the treatment process, so you can continue to make money. Even during installation, businesses continue operating. The goal is to avoid any disruption to either the property owner or any surrounding neighbors.
Going green
Pure Enviro Management respects the importance of continuing operations. “As an organization, we also respect the planet,” company officials say. Only natural stimulants are used; no harmful chemicals are injected into the soil. That green approach sets us apart in the industry.
“As a company, our goal is to return soils back to their native habitat through proven and natural methods, while allowing business owners to continue building their business,” Pure Enviro says.
SME proved to be a great solution for VIP Express. The branded Chevron service station in Utah faced contamination when it lost several thousand gallons of gasoline.
The SME method was used for clean-up at the station. Meanwhile, the haul-and-treat method was used to clean up soil and groundwater at another company store, VIP North, across the street.
Using both methods proved to be an interesting case study. What this customer learned was that with approximately 40% of the cost of traditional remediation, SME was able to remove more contamination in a safer manner (visit for full case study details).
Green light
Don't get stuck in the muck dealing with compliance. Pure Enviro understands how overwhelming the compliance process can feel to owners and operators. Rely on our experience to steer you through any situation. We'll show you the way through the process and help your operation reach a higher degree of compliance in the future.
Pure Enviro can complete the necessary paperwork and reports required by the Environmental Protection Agency. We've found that makes the process even easier for owners.
Maintaining compliance is something a client can take to the bank. Proof of a clean property makes borrowing money much easier. Clean property also yields a higher sale price.