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TrueTMS makes TrueLiquid adoption ‘risk free’

Aug. 29, 2024
New program for tank truck fleets transitioning to its modern transportation management platform includes contract buy-outs, free implementation

TrueTMS now is offering a “risk-free” program that includes contract buy-out options and free implementation services for tank truck companies transitioning to its transportation management system.

The Florida-based software provider in March introduced TrueLiquid, an extension of its TrueTMS system designed specifically for bulk fleets still using “outdated legacy TMS platforms” that weren’t built to solve “unique operational challenges.” After a “successful” rollout, the new program is intended to ease migration to a modern platform that streamlines and optimizes fleet management, TrueTMS reported.

“Tanker fleets using stagnant legacy systems are incurring daily opportunity costs from not scaling for growth and maximizing efficiency,” George Thellman, TrueTMS director of business development and strategic relations, said in a news release. “We’re offering liquid bulk haulers an unbeatable opportunity to save money by upgrading to next-generation technology.”

The “groundbreaking” program makes TrueLiquid implementation “more accessible,” TrueTMS maintained. The approach allows fleets to experience “cutting-edge” technology benefits without the burden of overlapping contracts.

In addition to contract buy-out credits and free onboarding assistance, TrueTMS is offering:

  • Waived data migration fees
  • A referral program through which customers can earn additional subscription credits
  • A 90-day satisfaction guarantee

Exact terms and benefits may vary based on individual circumstances, TrueTMS added.

TrueLiquid couples core TrueTMS functionality with the system’s advanced fleet management features, including a TrueCast module that forecasts customer demand and tank inventories. The platform automates back-office and mobile workflows, simplifies data analytics, and expands system integrations.

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