ClearPathGPS is introducing a fully integrated dash camera solution from Owlcam, which adds video telematics to its fleet tracking system.
According to the American Trucking Association, passenger vehicles are at fault in 85% of truck-passenger accidents but without exonerating video evidence, commercial drivers are more likely to be blamed. By adding dash cam hardware and a media management interface to its GPS tracking platform, ClearPathGPS is making it possible for fleets to capture video that protects their business, the company claimed.
“High-quality, road-and-driver-facing video is vital to help fleet managers mitigate risk, identify unsafe driver behavior and protect their reputations in the communities they serve,” said Steve Wells, co-founder of ClearPathGPS. “Tamper-proof driver-and-road-facing footage provides indisputable evidence of an event or accident, exonerates innocent drivers and enhances visibility into risky driver behaviors. This data can lead to auto insurance rate reductions and enhanced driver safety coaching—both of which have significant ROI for fleet businesses.”
Unlike other dash cam solutions for fleets on the market, ClearPath’s solution from Owlcam also detects impact or broken-glass events when the vehicle is off, Clear Path asserted. There’s no way to tamper with the footage, because there’s no SD card. Video captured is linked to GPS tracking data and provides two forms of proof in the event of a claim.
A media manager can request 20-second video clips from within the portal and then store clips for 30 days or download locally for sharing or storing. Event snapshots can be sent by the driver to the portal by saying “OK, Presto” and then remotely viewed immediately by the fleet manager, and 4G LTE connectivity means uploading critical clips to the cloud-powered network and remote viewing even when the vehicle is off.
“Owlcam is the only dash cam that makes video actionable for fleet managers: Stopping break-ins and catching thieves, providing verifiable video evidence to police and insurers, and keeping drivers safe in the event of an accident,” ClearPath said.
Learn more about the company’s fleet dash cam solution at