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During a press conference held at the Technology & Maintenance Council’s 2017 Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition, Phillips Industries announced the launch of its newest division: Phillips Connect Technologies (PCT).
The Phillips Connect Technologies division is developing several different packages of products that will offer their patent-pending “plug and play connectivity”. Their open platform is designed to work seamlessly with many sensor-driven components supplied by various component manufacturers. Sensor data can be transmitted to the driver, to the fleet’s operations team, or even the trailer OEM utilizing various telematics options. Some of the product packages being developed by Phillips Connect Technologies and introduced at TMC’s 2017 Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition include:
Connect:Security--PCT’s patented Trailer Lock-Down system stops theft by locking the air brakes on a trailer when power is disconnected from the tractor. In order to release the brakes and pull the trailer, a PIN code from dispatch has to be keyed in from a smart device to the Phillips Connect Technologies’ control box. The Trailer Lock-Down system literally puts the brakes on trailer theft. Other items in this package include remote trailer door lock/unlock as well as a theft-deterrent video surveillance system.
Connect:Diagnostics--PCT’s Connect:Diagnostics package is being developed to collect sensor data from many components on the trailer and broadcast them to the driver, dispatch, or the trailer OEM. With Phillips patent-pending plug and play technology, Connect:Diagnostics can read not only PCT sensors but just about any sensor on the trailer, delivering information to a fleet instantly about components that may be reaching a critical level before they fail.
Phillips Connect Technologies will continue to develop and expand on product packages that will deliver meaningful results that reduce downtime, increase efficiency and make safer tractor-trailers.
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