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2019 key issues: No. 9 Transportation infrastructure

Jan. 2, 2020
ATRI’s research indicates congestion-related delays increased trucking’s fuel consumption by 6.87 billion gallons in 2016, adding $15.7 billion to its fuel bill.

Transportation infrastructure isn’t improving fast enough. If anything, the issues caused by crumbling roadways only are growing worse, and the trucking industry and federal government are taking notice. ATRI’s research indicates congestion-related delays increased trucking’s fuel consumption by 6.87 billion gallons in 2016, adding $15.7 billion to its fuel bill.

The institute outlined several strategies to combat congestion and other infrastructure-related concerns in its report, including continuing to advocate for long-term highway funding through an increase in the fuel tax or other direct user fees, creating a new funding program to focus federal resources on truck bottlenecks along major freight corridors, and increasing funding for federal-aid highway programs that focus on funding highways with significant freight volumes.

Here are some of our key stories involving transportation infrastructure/congestion/funding:

US Rep DeFazio fording partisan waters to fight for much-needed improvements in surface transportation

Chao: $900 million in infrastructure grants available

ATA launches campaign targeting failing infrastructure

ATA, others urge Congress to act quickly on infrastructure

Ad campaign urges lawmakers to modernize infrastructure

AGC names McConnell first Legislator of the Year

About the Author

Commercial Vehicle Staff | staff