This week, American Trucking Associations’ America’s Road Team and Share the Road professional drivers will be participating in AAA Mid-Atlantic’s IDrive program to educate young drivers on the importance of highway safety, particular around trucks.
“Safety is the trucking industry’s most important value,” says ATA President and Chief Executive Officer Bill Graves. “We’re always happy for events like IDrive which allow our professionals to reach out to the public--particularly young drivers--and convey that important safety message.”
Virginia Trucking Association President and CEO Dale Bennett adds: “Trucking is the backbone of Virginia’s economy and safety is the number one priority for our members. Working with ATA, the America’s Road Team and the Share the Road program to bring that message to our young drivers is an excellent opportunity to promote safety on Virginia’s highways.”
Among the messages the America’s Road Team Captains and Share the Road drivers are delivering at IDrive are:
- Do not cut in front of large trucks--Remember that trucks are heavier and take longer to make a complete stop, so avoid cutting quickly in front of them. A fully loaded tractor trailer takes the length of a football field and both end zones to come to a complete stop when driving at highway speeds.
- Slow Down--Chances of a crash nearly triples when driving faster than surrounding traffic.
- Large Trucks Have Blind spots--If you can't see the truck driver in his or her mirrors, then the truck driver can’t see you.
- Pay Attention--Distracted driving is a leading cause of crashes. Looking away for even two seconds doubles the chances of an accident. Turn off cell phones and PDAs.
- Allow a Safety Cushion--Look a quarter mile ahead for a safe path. Leave yourself an out.
- Buckle Up--Safety belts are not a fashion statement – they save lives.
- Abide by Traffic Rules--Follow traffic signs and signals, paying special attention to work zones is important during this high construction season.