As part of its ongoing commitment to cleaner and more fuel-efficient operations, A&R Logistics has renewed its partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency’s SmartWay initiative.
Launched in 2004, SmartWay is a public-private initiative between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the freight-transportation sector and other federal and state agencies. The purpose of the program is to reduce transportation-related emissions and minimize environmental risk through various technologies and strategies.
“This partnership is a perfect fit for us and what we’re doing,” says A&R President Rich Mitchell. “Over the past two years, we’ve made significant investments in equipment, technology, and training. That includes a new fleet, fully compliant with new fuel-efficiency and emission standards. New on-board scales are also being implemented fleet-wide to help optimize load capacity, resulting in fewer trips and reducing the company’s carbon footprint. More and more, customers expect sustainable business practices and social responsibility from the companies they do business with. I think they should demand it.”
As a SmartWay partner, A&R Logistics has demonstrated that it has taken steps to improve efficiency and reduce its carbon footprint, meeting numerous program requirements. That includes using performance-based quantification and reporting tools to measure energy and environmental efficiency. Tractors and trailers must also meet requirements to reduce fuel consumption by 10% to 20%, which can save from 2,000 to 4,000 gallons of diesel per truck per year.
“Our priorities are definitely aligned with SmartWay,” said Mitchell. “We’re proud to be a part of this.”