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Gasology adds carbon offsets to fuel marketplace

May 15, 2023
Startup’s unique technology now allows fleets to pursue sustainability while buying fuel for any period of time

Gasology recently added carbon offsets to its patented motor fuel marketplace, which provides businesses with “unprecedented” access to fuel options and, now, a sustainable pathway to “greener” choices.

“We’re thrilled to announce the release of our patent-pending addition of carbon credits onto our platform,” Joe LeBlanc, Gasology CEO, said in a news release. “Just like every fuel and vehicle has its own carbon footprint, each company has a unique approach to reaching net zero. That’s why we strive to provide everyone with a variety of options to fuel differently—for good. Our team has been working hard to create one-click carbon offset access for fuel buyers to easily achieve their climate initiatives, all calculated while buying their fuel.

“New fuels need a new marketplace—and fuel buyers want, and deserve, more choices in how they power their mobility.”

See also: Gasology reimagines fuel markets for 21st century

Gasology’s technology allows fleets to purchase any type of fuel for any period of time, and now converts this information into a carbon footprint that is priced to “easily” purchase the exact amount of offsets needed, while buying fuel.

Businesses can choose from a myriad of carbon offsets, independently verified by international certification standards, and trust they accurately represent stated emission offsets, Gasology said. The company’s unique online marketplace enables purchasing for future periods, resulting in savings up to 20-50%.

“By taking advantage of these forward prices, customers can achieve their net-zero goals for zero additional dollars,” the company stated. “While there is no single pathway to achieve carbon neutrality or ‘net zero,’ the Gasology team is empowering the most convenient and simplified way for businesses to start fueling better today.”

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