Minnesota is requiring diesel fuel to contain a 5% blend of renewable biodiesel, according to information from the National Biodiesel Board (NBB).
Biodiesel is a sustainable, renewable alternative to diesel fuel that reduces greenhouse gases and other emissions, and is nontoxic and biodegradable. Biodiesel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel. Blends can be used in most diesel engines with few or no modifications, according to the NBB information.
The biodiesel industry works closely with the petroleum industry and offers many resources regarding biodiesel use in cold climates.
According to NBB, biodiesel is safe to use up to a 20% blend of high quality biodiesel year-round, in even the coldest of climates. The product will gel in cold weather, but biodiesel blends can be treated for winter use in similar ways that Number 2 diesel is treated.
Cold weather concerns are greatly diminished with lower blends like B5, NBB said.