Ronald Hawkins Jr, a driver for K-Limited Carrier Ltd, Toledo OH, is among 36 professional truck drivers selected as finalists in the selection process to become Captains on the 2009-2010 America’s Road Team.
America’s Road Team, sponsored by the American Trucking Association, is a group of professional drivers with superior safety records. The team was created in 1986 to represent the trucking industry and is sponsored by Volvo Trucks North America.
Hawkins is the only tank truck driver in the group and is a 12-year veteran of K-Limited. He is based in Perrysburg OH and was named the Ohio Trucking Association (OTA) 2007 Driver of the Year.
Hawkins has 11 additional years with previous employers, giving him a career total of 23 years and over 1.7 million accident-free miles. In addition, he was named K-Limited’s Driver of the Year in 2006 and is a certified driver trainer who has trained over 100 company drivers since coming to work for the company.
The 36 drivers will now move on to the final round of the selection process, which will be held January 11-13 at the ATA headquarters in Arlington VA. A panel of trucking industry officials and trucking news media will judge the contestants on their knowledge of the trucking industry, dedication to safety, ability to communicate trucking’s messages, and overall safe driving record.
The three day competition will culminate with a new team of America’s Road Team Captains receiving the signature Road Team blazer. The captains then begin their two year term working to share the industry’s message of safety, professionalism and essentiality with the motoring public, news media, civic organizations, legislators and even fellow drivers across the nation.