As part of Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) efforts to review bulk loading and unloading of hazardous materials and to develop risk reduction strategies, the agency has scheduled a public workshop at 9 am June 14 to address the situation.
According to the information published in the Federal Register May 11, the group will examine industry data, identify industry best practices and standards, discuss the role of recommended practices for loading and unloading, and consider industry actions that have the potential to reduce risk during loading and unloading.
PHMSA said it seeks the broadest participation of industry, federal agencies, state and local government, standards organizations, the emergency response community, employee groups, environmental and public interest organizations, and the public.
PHMSA also is seeking individuals and organizations willing to speak at the public workshop. Interested persons are invited to submit papers on related topics.
A recent PHMSA review of bulk loading and unloading incidents over the past decade suggests roughly one quarter to one half of overall hazardous materials transportation incidents may be attributable to loading and unloading operations, particularly bulk packages. The agency also noted that a significant proportion of National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) hazardous materials accident reports over this period address safety concerns regarding bulk loading or unloading operations.
The meeting will be held at Lowe's L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, 480 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington DC. For information on the facilities or to request special accommodations at the meeting, contact Rick Boyle at [email protected] or telephone 202-366-4545.