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Flint Hills Resources Ingleside TX expansion will add new storage, faster loading capability

Sept. 5, 2018
Flint Hills Resources Ingleside TX expansion will add new storage, faster loading capability

Flint Hills Resources announced plans to expand storage and outbound crude loading capacity at its storage terminal in Ingleside TX to approximately 380,000 barrels per day.

The project currently calls of construction of four new crude storage tanks, 60,000-barrels-per-hour of total loading capability, plus the associated pumps and piping. The expected in-service date for the project is October 2019 subject to state permitting approvals. When the project is completed, Ingleside will have a total crude storage capacity of approximately 3.5 to 4.0 million barrels.

Currently, the Ingleside terminal utilizes two docks, including one that supports loading of Suezmax-size vessels. Flint Hills Resources is also evaluating a separate project that would allow it to load “VLCC” or Very Large Crude Carrier-size vessels in the future.

In addition to the Ingleside terminal expansion, Flint Hills Resources plans to build connections to the recently announced crude pipelines coming from the Permian Basin.