The American Trucking Associations has launched LEAD ATA, a new program created to engage young trucking executives and groom them to be the industry’s next great generation of leaders.
"In the 80 years since ATA was founded, we have always relied on industry leaders to be our spokesmen and our examples of what trucking means to the country," says ATA President and CEO Bill Graves. "LEAD ATA will help us nurture and cultivate our next generation of leaders and ensure that the legacy those giants have left us is entrusted to sure, steady hands."
The LEAD ATA program, sponsored by PeopleNet, will provide exclusive educational opportunities designed to highlight how the regulatory and legislative process affects the trucking industry and the important role ATA plays in shaping both, as well as demonstrating the many tools available to industry executives through ATA. Each year, a new class will be accepted into LEAD ATA to cultivate the federation's future ATA leaders.
"This industry and ATA have given me many opportunities to demonstrate leadership," says Kevin Burch, ATA vice-chairman and president of Jet Express, Dayton OH. "Participants in LEAD ATA will be given important leadership tools that they can use to guide this association and industry into a promising and prosperous future."
Brian McLaughlin, president of PeopleNet, which has made a three-year commitment to LEAD ATA, says: "PeopleNet is honored to be a part of LEAD ATA. Building strong leaders for the future will ensure that our industry remains healthy, vibrant, and forward-thinking. This program is a unique opportunity for individuals to advance their skills and networks with an eye on taking transportation to the next level. We look forward to collaborating with ATA on the program moving forward."