DMC Insurance recently named CTI, Inc., driver Rudy Kroll its 2022 Driver of the Year.
The trucking insurance underwriter recognized Kroll, who has driven for the Arizona-based liquid and dry bulk transporter for 38 years, during an award ceremony and appreciation luncheon held July 15 at CTI’s Rillito, Arizona terminal.
“Rudy is a man with great integrity and honor who has lived a life of self-sacrifice for the good of his country, his family, and also, our company,” Christie Blair, senior risk manager at CTI, said in her nomination essay.
The annual DMC Driver of the Year Award identifies and celebrates the best-in-class drivers among DMC’s insured clients. The judging committee scores nominees based on driving record, service to the community, involvement as a mentor within their company, and areas in which they have displayed leadership efforts in support of the industry.
Kroll was unanimously selected as the winning driver by a committee of trucking industry experts, DMC said. He has accumulated more than 2 million safe miles with Kroll, avoiding even a single accident, collision, or incident in nearly four decades as a professional driver. In addition to his safe-driving record, Kroll has been a long-time mentor to fellow drivers at CTI and is meticulous in his safety practices, from navigating regulations in his area to the most detailed of pre-and post-trip inspections. He served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Vietnam War and has continued to live a life of service through dedicated involvement within his church and community.
“Rudy is not only the most excellent driver and employee a trucking company could hope for, but he is one of the kindest, most humble people you could ever meet,” Blair said.
CTI’s operations encompass the entire state of Arizona and western areas of New Mexico. It services infrastructure growth by transporting hazardous and non-hazardous materials in multiple configurations of equipment in support of the region’s mining communities, power plants, airports, and commercial industries.