The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is revising its regulations to reflect changes to civil and criminal penalties related to hazardous materials safety and security, according to information in the Federal Register February 17.
The agency also is revising baseline assessments for violations related to training and security plans and making editorial changes in its list of frequently cited violations in the guidelines for civil penalties.
The final rule (49 CFR Parts 107 and 171) became effective February 17, 2006, and includes raising the maximum civil penalty from $32,500 to $50,000 for a knowing violation, and to $100,000 if the violation results in death, serious illness or severe injury to any person, or substantial destruction of property.
The minimum civil penalty has reverted from $275 to $250, except a minimum civil penalty of $450 applies to a violation related to training, according to the information.
The rule can be see by clicking here for the Federal Register.