Dieselcraft Fluid Engineering has developed a new, more advanced two-stage fuel purification system to deal with contamination, oxidation, and repolymerization of diesel fuel that can start as soon as fuel enters the distribution chain. Every time the fuel is transferred, contaminants (dirt, water, or other fuel blends) enter the fuel. None of these are good for an engine.
This system is installed between the fuel tank and the primary engine fuel filter. The fuel return percentage of most diesel engines allows a high rate of fuel recirculation. This is what allows stage one of the system to separate 99.9% of the water and more than 95% of solids from the fuel before reaching the engine's filters. Then stage two, the strontium ferrite stabilizer, repeatedly induces a small electric charge into the fuel. This pre-filter induction and polishing of the fuel is what kills bacteria, helps make the fuel acid free, and helps clean tanks.
The purification system only requires regular opening of the separator drain. There are no filters to replace or check.
These Dieselcraft systems are supplied in seven models ranging from 5 gallons-per-hour flow rates to 2,500 gph. The most common units are Model 5-29S for engines with fuel pump capacities from 5-29 gph, and Model 30-200S for engines with fuel pump capacity of 30-200 gph.
For further details, contact Dieselcraft, PO Box 7670, Auburn CA 95604.