Though many fleets still seem wary of them, electronic automated driver logs may gain in popularity as the government implements new hours-of-service (HOS) rules next year.
“We believe there's a substantial return-on-investment equation for fleets when it comes to electronic automated driver logs,” T J Cooper, direct sales manager for Fremont CA-based mobile communication firm @Road, said.
“Fleets aren't flocking to such technology right now for many reasons, but mainly because they think electronic logs take away the ‘fudge factor’ drivers have in case they make a mistake,” he said. “However, our system allows supervisors to correct any mistakes and still keep the logs in DOT compliance.”
Cooper said the savings from electronic automated logbooks could be substantial. The main benefit is time savings for drivers — conservatively saving them the 15 minutes a day it typically takes to fill out today's logbooks.
One @Road trucking customer, Applegate Logistics, pilot-tested its electronic log system and said it saved $750 a day by cutting out the 15 minutes a day each of its 50 drivers spent filling out paper logbooks.