Although the Department of Homeland Security has reduced the nation’s alert level from high (condition orange) to elevated (condition yellow), the American Trucking Associations (ATA) is reminding the trucking industry to remain alert. "Condition yellow means trucking operations must remain especially vigilant, as the intelligence community advises there is clear intent of terrorist organizations to strike if the opportunity arises, ATA states.
"ATA wishes to underscore the importance of companies having their security plans in order and in operation, including contingency planning in the event of an actual attack and the potential for disruption to normal commerce that may ensue. Verify your contact lists for state and local government emergency preparedness officials are up to date. Employees, especially drivers, who physically receive and handle cargo and who are responsible for perimeter security should remain keenly observant and report any suspicious activity immediately. Also, be sure to report missing or significantly overdue equipment to authorities."
For more information contact Jack Legler, ATA trucking security and operations director, at 703-838-1849 or e-mail [email protected].