ChemLogix, a logistics services provider for the chemical industry, has announced the successful integration of Quaker Chemical's bulk freight activity onto the Nistevo Network. Nistevo's web-hosted network will enable ChemLogix to streamline the planning and execution of Quaker's daily transportation activities, while providing Quaker's sales and service representatives online visibility into these activities.
Using the Nistevo Network, ChemLogix can optimally plan Quaker's bulk shipments with the most cost- and service-effective mix of carriers. Through the use of the network's contract management capabilities, ChemLogix will simplify maintaining and updating carrier contracts and rates, and will help ensure that Quaker is billed accurately for all line haul and accessorial charges.
By providing the customer service reps at Quaker online access to the Network, the reps are able to research the status of shipments, as well as receive e-mail alerts notifying them of shipments at risk of late delivery.