SAFETY and security are two of the most heard words these days in the tank truck industry, particularly for those companies that handle hazardous materials. Managers have the Internet to research their needs as time becomes a driving force in an industry that has tightened its belt to compete.
With fewer people doing more jobs, the use of the Web can prove an invaluable source to meet security demands.
Security services are at hand at Covansys Corporation, Farmington Hills, Michigan, a consulting and technology services company. Covansys is offering services related to the Container Security Initiative.
And in keeping with its policy to improve community relations, the American Chemical Council offers a Web site that contains information about its member companies and their operations.
The sites are a microcosm of the information that can be accessed on the Internet for helping to improve security and safety.
Covansys Corporation has made available a free educational Webinar (an online seminar) that focuses on the Container Security Initiative (CSI).
The Webinar offers retailers, shippers, distributors, media, and analysts a comprehensive and educational discussion of CSI, its potential impact on the enterprise supply chain, and the regulations.
CSI regulations are intended to improve US security by tightening and expanding cargo-reporting requirements. Phase two of CSI, effective October 2003, mandates that all modes of import and export (road, rail, air, and marine) electronically transmit cargo manifests to the US Customs Service before departure.
Covansys Webinar will highlight the specific federal rules and timing for all modes of transportation. This stage establishes standards for the security and integrity of containers and cargo throughout the transportation supply chain.
The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has established a community-oriented Web site that contains sections for each of the approximately 1,700 ACC member manufacturing facilities.
The home page of the site features overview information on the benefits of chemicals and Responsible Care, and a plant locator process that allows users to easily access facility Web site sections.
Each month, a chemical facility is highlighted, including information about its operation, community outreach, and safety initiatives.
The site is part of the ACC's commitment to Responsible Care, the chemical industry's voluntary initiative to continuously improve health, safety, and environmental performance, and to respond to public concerns about safe chemical operations.