THE ENERGY Information Administration (EIA) of the Department of Energy (DOE) will begin publishing downgraded distillate fuel oil in the Weekly Petroleum Status Report, effective with the week ending April 7 data scheduled for release April 12.
Information also will be published in the Petroleum Supply Monthly, effective with the January 2006 data scheduled for release in March.
Downgraded distillate fuel oil information is collected by the EIA in order to capture the volume of ultra-low sulfur distillate fuel oil (ULSD) (0 ppm-15 ppm sulfur) that is transferred to low-sulfur distillate fuel oil (greater than 15 ppm sulfur to 500 ppm sulfur).
The effect is to reclassify the volume transferred from supply (production or imports) and inventory of ULSD to supply or inventory of low-sulfur distillate fuel oil.
This announcement highlights the upcoming changes so data users will have sufficient time to plan for the change, according to the information.