The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) plans to modernize the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Information System, according to a notice published in the Federal Register May 2.
The action is in response to Title IV (Motor Carrier Safety Reauthorization Act of 2005) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: a Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which was signed into law August 10, 2005.
As required by the act, the modernization plan must: (a) comply with applicable federal information technology security standards; (b) provide for the electronic exchange of all information, including posting of convictions; (c) contain self-auditing features to ensure that data is being posted correctly and consistently by the states; (d) integrate the commercial driver's license and medical certificate; and (e) provide a schedule for modernization of the system.
The notice publishes the plan which provides an overview of the key tasks associated with the project, and will result in a system that satisfies the criteria specified in section 4123 of SAFETEA-LU.
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