Members of the Ontario Trucking Association (OTA) staff appeared recently before the Michigan House of Representatives Transportation Committee in support of House Bill 5205, sponsored by Representative Jud Gilbert. The bill would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to allow for the operation of semi-trailers with three axles on state highways.
The bill, an OTA-lead initiative, received 14-0 support from the bi-partisan committee. The next step in the process is to have a similar bill introduced into the Senate.
OTA explained to the committee that Michigan is currently the only state in the US not allowing this configuration, and that this is hampering efficient international and state-to-state trade.
OTA met prior to the committee meeting with several Michigan based groups to confirm their support of the bill, including road builders, manufacturers and the Michigan Trucking Association. The Michigan Department of Transportation appeared before the transportation committee after OTA, and while they couldn’t officially support the bill, they did recognize the merits of OTA’s arguments for the introduction of 53-ft. three axle trailers.
While in Michigan, OTA staff also made a presentation before the House of Representative Commerce Committee discussing the importance of Michigan-Ontario trade. OTA reinforced the key role trucking plays in the two region’s economies and the need to maintain a border that will allow our two jurisdictions to continue to prosper. Several questions were asked of staff regarding border delays and the role of intermodal transportation. Following the hearing, OTA was informed that the legislature would introduce a resolution in the Michigan House of Representatives recognizing the importance of trucking and border trade to the Michigan economy.