A Massachusetts liquid natural gas facility faces fines for security and safety violations from the Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA). RSPA is proposing a $220,000 civil penalty against Distrigas of Massachusetts Corp, a subsidiary of Tractebel LNV NA, Everett MA.
According to RSPA, inspectors found Distrigas had failed to train its contract security personnel in security procedures established prior to September 11, 2001. A follow-up inspection found that as late as April 2002, not all contract security employees had been trained in security procedures. The majority of the penalty is for the security training failures.
Inspectors also found that Distrigas had inadequate measures in place for corrosion control monitoring, and training for employees in operations, maintenance, and fire protection, according to RSPA.
In addition to the proposed civil penalty, Distrigas would have to comply with an order to ensure personnel receive security training, would be required to take specific corrective actions regarding atmospheric corrosion control, and ensure that appropriate employees receive refresher courses in operations, maintenance, and fire protection, according to the RSPA information.