FAST/BRASS driver deadline extended

Jan. 31, 2005
The compliance date has been extended to May 1, 2005, for implementation of the Free And Secure Trade (FAST) Card requirement for BRASS shipment drivers, according to information from the US Customs and Border Protection agency.

The compliance date has been extended to May 1, 2005, for implementation of the Free And Secure Trade (FAST) Card requirement for BRASS shipment drivers, according to information from the US Customs and Border Protection agency. The requirement for BRASS (Border Release Advance Screening and Selectivity) drivers was originally scheduled to begin January 31, 2005, for the first group of 40 ports of entry.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) earlier in January called on US Customs to re-examine the deadlines. CTA said that the surge in FAST driver applications has exceeded the capacity of the FAST processing center to process the applications.

CBP allows carriers carrying BRASS merchandise to only utilize drivers who are registered under the FAST program and carrying a FAST driver card. To participate in the FAST program, drivers must undergo a background check and be admissible to the United States and Canada. If approved, the driver is issued a FAST driver card which provides such benefits as expedited processing and the use of a dedicated FAST lane where available.

For BRASS shipments entering the United States from Mexico, the driver must have in his possession a valid FAST card and be admissible into the United States.

More information is available on the Customs Web site at