ACS dedicates new technology center

Feb. 1, 2002
ACS Inc has dedicated its new, 25,000-square-foot, transportation technology center in Rockville, Maryland. The center will provide the technology backbone

ACS Inc has dedicated its new, 25,000-square-foot, transportation technology center in Rockville, Maryland. The center will provide the technology backbone for ACS transportation systems and services, including 51 motor vehicle service contracts in 26 states, electronic toll collection in 13 jurisdictions, and commercial vehicle operations in 23 states.

The new center employs 100 people, and the vast majority of these jobs are being filled by local technology professionals. The operations in Rockville represent the consolidation of operations that were previously located in California and Louisiana.

ACS has consolidated its data centers and engineering labs and development and deployment initiatives in the Rockville facility, including electronic toll collection, motor vehicle services, and commercial vehicle operations.

TMW renames primary software product

TMW Suite is the new name of the fleet management software system marketed by TMW Systems Inc. The package, previously known as PowerSuite, is the company's flagship software product.

“We made the name change after trying unsuccessfully for the past six years to obtain the trademark rights to the PowerSuite name,” said Tom Weisz, TMW president. “Most of our customers refer to our product as the TMW system, anyway.”

The firm also announced enhancements in Release 2002. Rate calculations have been fine-tuned. The section on driver background checks was tightened to provide more complete information. Commodity identification has been made more precise, providing greater detail for hazardous materials bills of lading.