Westway Terminals Co of Riverdale IL paid $15,000 to resolve the Environmental Protection Agency's October 2005 complaint. This complaint was for failure to immediately notify the National Response Center, the Illinois emergency response commission, and the Cook County or Chicago local emergency planning committees of a 50,667-lb release of sulfuric acid Dec 24, 2002. Riverdale borders the city of Chicago.
Sulfuric acid releases of more than 1,000 pounds must be immediately reported to the National Response Center and state and local emergency response agencies. The release at Westway occurred when a storage tank leaked sulfuric acid into a secondary containment area, and some of the acid spilled onto the ground. In settling the matter, Westway not only agreed to pay the $15,000 fine, but also to spend $5,000 on an environmental project in which the company donated specialized fire-suppression materials and response equipment to the Chicago and Riverdale fire departments.
Zeeland Chemicals of Zeeland MI paid $10,000 to resolve EPA's October 2005 complaint for failure to immediately notify the National Response Center, the Michigan emergency response commission, and the local emergency planning committee of a 5,490-lb release of toluene Jan 2, 2005.
Toluene releases of more than 1,000 pounds must be immediately reported to the National Response Center and state and local emergency response agencies. A required follow-up report was also filed late. The release occurred when a process tank overpressurized and a rupture disk blew, allowing toluene to be released into the atmosphere. Besides the fine, Zeeland Chemicals completed an environmental project valued at $70,625, in which the firm installed an upgraded scrubber system that should reduce its air pollution and volatile organic compound releases.