A new Sound Source bulletin, OSHA Hearing Conservation Violations, issued by the Bacou-Dalloz Hearing Safety Group, reports on a study the company recently conducted with the assistance of OSHA's Office of Information and Technology on compliance actions between 2000 and 2004 relating to hearing conservation.
According to the report, the general lack of a hearing conservation program ranked as the top violation of §1910.95. Nearly one-fourth (2,358) of the more than 10,000 OSHA citations for §1910.95 were for lack of a continuing, effective hearing conservation program when warranted by noise levels over 85 dBA time-weighted average (TWA). This violation was cited nearly twice as often as any other component of the standard and resulted in penalties of more than $3.6 million, according to the Sound Source report.
Access www.hearingportal.com/hearingconservation/ to download a PDF of Sound Source #8A.