A list of chemicals has been released by the Department of Homeland Security that trigger a requirement for facilities to complete and submit an online consequence assessment tool called a Top-Screen, according to DHS information. The list includes chlorine, propane and anhydrous ammonia, as well as specialty chemicals such as arsine and phosphorus trichloride.
DHS announced November 2 that the list, Appendix A of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards, includes about 300 chemicals based on whether specific amounts can create significant human life or health consequences. Facilities that have the chemicals at or above the listed threshold must provide further information so the DHS can judge the security risk and assign compliance requirements.
Facilities typically falling under the requirement include chemical manufacturing, storage and distribution facilities; petroleum refineries, and liquefied natural gas storage (peak shaving) facilities.
A list of the chemicals can be found online at dhs.gov.