FORT VALE'S new 30,000-square-foot facility, opened this summer in Houston, Texas, houses about $3 million in inventory, and contains enough space to eventually include special assembly work, says Rosemary Muellner of Fort Vale. She discussed the new warehouse and office spaces during open-house festivities October 4.
The facility, located on 2.75 acres at 4115 Galveston Road, includes 22,000 square feet of storage space for valves, vents, manways, vapor recovery, seals, gaskets, and equipment used in loading racks.
The 8,000-square-foot office area accommodates a shop for product pressure testing, repairs, and maintenance. Equipment training classes also will be conducted in the office area.
A product showroom, as well as conference room, reception, galley and offices occupy space in the administrative section. Another 4,000 square feet is available for commercial lease.
Fort Vale supplies the tank truck, tank container, and intermediate bulk container industries. The Houston office serves the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central and South America.