The 2004 Operation Airbrake will take place in many locations throughout Canada and the United States on an “unannounced” date in May. Sponsored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), this annual event is aimed at reducing the number of brake-related crashes.
CVSA-certified inspectors will be conducting inspections of trucks and buses over a 12-hour period during the unannounced day in May.
The 2004 Roadcheck will take place June 8-10 in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This year's Roadcheck, a 72-hour continuous event, will focus on commercial vehicle safety belt use and security. The kick-off media event will be held June 7 in West Memphis AR.
About 9,000 state, provincial, local, and federal truck and bus inspectors are expected to take part in Roadcheck 2004. They will check commercial vehicles and their drivers at about 1,000 inspection sites along major interstate highways, and mobile patrols will be on duty on other highways and at alternate locations.
For more information, phone Steve Keppler at 202-775-1623 ext 106 or e-mail him at [email protected].