In heavy truck accidents in Florida, 50 percent of fatalities occurred in vehicles that rolled over, according to a recent report from the Florida Department of Transportation.
While heavy trucks were overrepresented in multi-vehicle and multi-fatality crashes, they were at fault in only about 30 percent. They were more likely to be at fault in rear end, run off the road, and intersection-turning crashes.
Trailer rear and side underrides accounted for almost 28 percent of the fatal impacts among occupants in vehicles colliding with trucks.
Over half of the other vehicle defects (not including tire defects) in the fatal crashes belonged to heavy trucks, even though trucks accounted for 17 percent of the vehicles in the crashes.
The report also considers other statistics, such as risks involving automobile drivers over the age of 75, use of drug and alcohol, and road and vehicle conditions.
The 500-plus-page report can be seen on the Transportation Research Board Web site by clicking here.