Detroit Diesel provides free upgrades

June 1, 2008
Detroit Diesel Corporation announced that a new software release will soon be available to customers, free of charge, which will enhance the fuel economy

Detroit Diesel Corporation announced that a new software release will soon be available to customers, free of charge, which will enhance the fuel economy of EPA ‘07 Series 60 engines. These improvements, according to Detroit Diesel engineers, will increase fuel economy by up to 2.5 percent.

The company also announced no-charge features that can enhance a vehicle's shifting and cruise control operations.

“Progressive shifting, which limits engine speed during upshifting, can add additional savings in fuel consumption,” said David Siler, director of marketing. “Optimizing engine speed while in cruise control can further enhance savings. Both of these features will be made available to customers at no charge at the same time they come in for the regeneration programming.”

Fleet owners and owner-operators can take advantage of the modifications and associated fuel economy benefits by scheduling a visit to any Detroit Diesel dealer or distributor to have their EPA ‘07 Series 60 engine reflashed at no cost beginning July 1, 2008. Reflashing is the reprogramming of certain portions of the engine's management software. Any EPA ‘07 Series 60 produced after July 1, 2008, will automatically be programmed for the modified regeneration cycle.

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