DOT funds agency for driver training

July 28, 2008
Funding for truck driver training videos is included in a $1.015 million grant by the Department of Transportation (DOT) in an effort to reduce collisions

Funding for truck driver training videos is included in a $1.015 million grant by the Department of Transportation (DOT) in an effort to reduce collisions between trains and motor vehicles at highway-rail grade crossings, according to DOT information.

The grant is being provided by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and will support the public outreach and training programs of Operation Lifesaver Inc, a national not-for-profit rail safety organization. An additional $338,332 will be generated in matching funds or services, according to the DOT information. The funding also will target reducing illegal trespassing along railroad rights of way.

More information about Operation Lifesaver and its programs for truck driver training is online at

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