Telematics Update: Webinar

Aug. 20, 2013
Gain Fleet Clients through Integrating Emerging Technology

Telematics Update has announced that free registration is now open for the exclusive webinar: ‘Gain Fleet Clients Through Integrating Emerging Technology’.  It will explore how to integrate new technologies, such as V2V or KA band satellite, to improve service provisions to those already invested in FMS and attract new clients.

The interactive event will be held on Thursday, August 22, 2013 at 10 am PT and is open to the entire fleet telematics community!

Register here:

Even if you cannot attend at this time, please still sign up as Telematics Update will send you the recording.

Predictions are that the market will increase 61% in GPS and wireless devices monitoring fleet vehicles, equipment and their workers by the end of 2015. So there is no doubt that there are many short term goals to be addressed. However, Telematics Update Director  Ruthana Foulkes commented that “…with advanced technologies such as V2V coming into play by 2020 – now is the time to focus on how these will change the landscape to prepare to combat any challenges that will occur through integrating these technologies. This will ensure they can be integrated as seamlessly as possible when the time comes and ensure a front running industry position for businesses that have factored this into long-term goals from now.”

To get to grips with these key developments in the business of fleet telematics, Telematics Update has organized a live webinar entitled ‘GainFleet Clients through Integrating Emerging Technology’.

The 45-minute session includes live presentations, poll questions and Q&A's, delivered by key industry figures, including:

*Peter Vanderminden, Industry Market Development Manager, Manufacturing & Supply Chain, Microsoft

*Jerry Wood, Director of Transportation & Engineering, Gateway Cities Council of Governments

The debate will cover:

*Take a look at initiatives such as the I-710 corridor that will require tech such as V2V communications to allow for increased fuel efficiency and productivity to start planning fleet tech for the future 

*Understand how to create more accurate vehicle diagnostic services through a ‘sandbox’ of data sets accessible by OEMs and TSPs in order to build a bespoke service for individual clients

*Discuss autonomous devices e.g. ‘smart-containers’ that provide self-reporting such as GPS location and temperature control to understand the telematics requirements to gear up for R&DT

The webinar can be joined for free at: are limited, so register early).