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MAC Trailer Manufacturing of Alliance, Ohio, continues to ride high with the oil and gas boom. A crude oil tank trailer is the latest product offering from the MAC LTT division, and it comes with the announcement of another plant expansion.
The new crude oil tanker will be built in Kent, Ohio, in a 186,000 sq-ft plant dedicated solely to MAC LTT liquid tanks (crude oil and vacuum tanks). Both tank trailers and truck tanks are being built at the plant, according to Jim Maiorana, president of MAC LTT.
“The oilfield remains a strong market for us, and we were getting a lot of requests for a crude oil trailer from our dealers,” he said. “We're building a lot of vacuum trailers and vacuum trucks (which were added to the product line in late 2011). Frac sand trailers are for us, and we are building more of those than any of our other tank products because we have dry bulker production capacity in place right now.
“We'll build about 150 of the new crude oil trailers this year, because we are still getting the new plant fully up to speed. Once all of our new production equipment is in place, we'll be able to boost crude oil trailer production to around 1,000 a year.”
The crude oil tank is built to DOT407 code and can handle pressures up to 25 psi. It is fabricated from quarter-inch alloy 5454 H32 polished aluminum. The double conical design has a 12-inch drop and is reinforced with low-profile stiffening rings two inches deep. Tank hardware includes a Garnet load level sensor system; Girard pressure- and vacuum-relief vents; Betts domelids, butterfly valves, and vapor-recovery valves; and air actuation for all of the valves.
The overall design is heavy-duty for off-road use, said Ed Mansell, MAC LTT director of engineering, who designed the new unit. Even the side ladder and its mountings are heavy-duty. The tank is mounted on a Hendrickson Intraax ATT250 suspension and has a 13-inch ride height.
The subframe is of galvanized steel, even the push bumper that is cosmetically wrapped in a polished aluminum overlay.
Overall length for the trailer on display at the Mid-America Trucking Show was 42 feet. With a 200-barrel (8,400-gallon) capacity, it had a tare weight of 10,400 pounds. MAC LTT build crude oil tanks with capacities up to 11,000 gallons. ♦