UST issues are focus of seminar address

March 1, 2006
Rex Brown, director of information services at the Petroleum Equipment Institute, addressed attendees at the Texas Association of Storage Tank Professionals

Rex Brown, director of information services at the Petroleum Equipment Institute, addressed attendees at the Texas Association of Storage Tank Professionals annual seminar in Austin TX recently. Brown described projects implemented by PEI in the past year on subjects related to underground storage tanks (UST). These include a UST owner/operator checklist, a new technical manual covering dispensing equipment, and the PEI Learning Center, an online training resource.

Developed by PEI's Tank Installation Committee, the new checklists are intended to minimize the risk of releases through proper and regular inspections and maintenance of UST equipment. The checklists were designed to be used by tank inspectors, tank owners, and petroleum equipment service and installation companies. Tank owners, inspectors, and service companies have permission to distribute these checklists providing no changes are made to the content. The checklists can be found at

The PEI Recommended Practices for Inspection and Maintenance of Motor Fuel Dispensing Equipment, also known as RP500, details procedures for inspecting and maintaining motor fuel dispensing equipment. Brown encouraged manufacturers and installers of this equipment to provide copies of the RP500 to customers to assist in establishing regular inspection procedures. The recommended practices are described in detail and available for purchase at