Biodiesel sells at same price as regular diesel

Oct. 1, 2004
The National Biodiesel Board ( reports that a pump station in Midvale UT is selling a 2% blend of biodiesel (B-2) for the same price

The National Biodiesel Board ( reports that a pump station in Midvale UT is selling a 2% blend of biodiesel (B-2) for the same price as regular diesel fuel.

Although more than 300 pumps sell biodiesel nationwide, this marks the first time a biodiesel blend has been offered at regular diesel prices in the United States. The station, Dal Soglio Sinclair in Midvale, sells a 2% blend of soy biodiesel.

A cleaner-burning fuel, biodiesel can be produced from any fat or vegetable oil, such as soybean oil, and provides horsepower, fuel economy, and performance similar to conventional diesel. It can be used in any diesel engine with few or no modifications. Biodiesel can be used in its pure form (B100), or blended with petroleum diesel at any level.

Bakersfield CA-based American Bio-Fuels and its partner GreenStar Intermountain LLC are supplying the biodiesel to the Utah station. Supporting the project is a grant from Salt Lake Clean Cities.